The Bitchin' Kitchen

March 2, 2010

Snow Sucks

Filed under: Uncategorized — knittinmama82 @ 7:30 pm

The month of Februrary in Western Pa was definitely interesting. We got hit with two snow storms within a couple days of each other. We were literally snowed in, and it was not fun at all. Because of all of this snow I haven’t felt like doing anything, cooking, blogging, leaving my house, you name it I haven’t wanted to do it. I did manage to concoct something out of one of the storms.

In passing I had heard of something called Snow Cream. Apparently, in the past people have turned snow into a fun tasty treat. Since I had a plethora of snow right outside my door I figured why the hell not you know? I used Mr. Google to figure out how to do this and believe it or not it was pretty friggin’ simple! The only we wanted to do though before we made this stuff was get out of the house for a little bit. We decided that instead of using regular milk and vanilla extract (I’m not crazy about the vanilla that I buy) we would take a ride around, see what was open and pick up some chocolate milk.

So after we got home I sent my husband outside to grab a big bowl of snow. The directions said to put a bowl outside to collect freshly fallen snow, but really who wants to sit around and wait for snow to collect in a bowl? I surely didn’t and neither did anyone else so we just scooped some up in a tupperware mixing bowl. Once it was brought into the house I added a cup of sugar and mixed that into the snow and then dumped some chocolate milk over top of it until it reached a decent consistency.

The result was chocolaty snow! It was like eating an Italian ice only better because it was chocolate. We all agreed that not only was making snow cream fun but it was tasty as well. It was a great way to kind of escape the awful snow.

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